JAKARTA - Fans of the action film starring Jackie Chan should be happy. Jackie said it was in the process of being discussed for the production of the film Rush Hour 4 while attending the Red Sea Film Festival, Saudi Arabia, Thursday, December 8.

"We're talking about section 4 right now," Chan said.

Chan also said he would soon meet with his film director to discuss the script. However, Chan did not mention who would direct the fourth series.

Quoted from ANTARA, in the three versions of "Rush Hour" previously directed by Brett Ratner. Until now it is not known whether Ratner will continue again.

Ratner himself has not directed films since 2014. In November 2017, seven women, including actress Olivia Munn and Natasha Henstridge, accused the filmmaker of sexual harassment and offenses.

Chan starred in three Rush Hour films between 1998 and 2007 with comedian and actor Chris Tucker. The franchise follows a Hong Kong inspector who works with officers to resolve a series of international crimes.

The original Rush Hour film grossed $244 million worldwide for New Line Cinema and confirmed Chan as the star of the English-language match.

However, Chan said he expects the film to explode at the box office, and he has planned to leave Hollywood forever due to his lack of attractive roles.

"I tried many times to go to Hollywood, but after that, I said there was no longer Hollywood because my English is not good, they are not my culture, they don't like this kind of action," he said.

Chan said he only received a script about East Asian detectives in America. However, he was eager to develop his creative venture when he got the offer.

"My manager said look, there is a script, and it's called 'Rush Hour'. I said no, Hong Kong police? I won't do it. He said Jackie, why didn't you try the last time. I said okay, this is the last time," Chan said.

After the first film was released, Chan said he received calls from Ratner and Tucker, who said, "Bung, we had a huge success. We got 70 million in the first weekend."

"For me, I don't count how many 70 million it is. I don't know the box office. I just knew it would be a success. Then they made parts 2 and 3," he continued.

Meanwhile, Chan talked about his film's career journey which started as a stuntman for Bruce Lee. According to Chan, Bruce Lee likes him in theā–bintang of Fury set so he often gets overtime so he can get extra pay.

Chan also told viewers that 2022 marks his 60th anniversary in the film industry.

However, despite his long career and success as an action star, Chan said he plans to create fewer action stories and more love stories in the future.

He is also currently preparing a project that is described as a drama film for women. "I hope it can be released here soon. This is a drama film. And it was made for women. I hope one day you can see it," Chan said.

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