JAKARTA - The wedding ceremony of Kaesang Pangarep and Erina Gudono is just counting the days. It is known that the second wedding will take place on December 10, 2022 at the Great Hall of Royal Ambarrukmo Yogyakarta.

Like Javanese traditional marriage tradition, Erina Gudono performs a pingitan procession. This is known from Kaesang's comments on Erina's Instagram.

"Immediately accompanied by a teased poem," wrote Kaesang.

Since being accompanied, Erina has often uploaded several photos of him and Kaesang on Instagram to fill her free time.

In that post, Erina wrote sweet and romantic words.

"Later you will meet the man you love and he also loves you. Your path will not be easy, it will be complicated, tested with ego and time," wrote Erina.

"But it's all His way to make us aware that the path to Him will not be easy - so that we never think - about separating after being united," he concluded.

This couple seems to be looking forward to the day when it is declared legal as a married couple. This can be seen in Kaesang's latest post.

In the post, Kaesang and Erina were seen sitting at the Ageng Hall in Puro Mangkunegaran wearing an emerald-colored Javanese dress.

"This is the Ageng Hall in Puro Mangkunegaran. This is a place where we will be silent witnesses to do Tasyakuran after we have a marriage contract in Yogya on December 10, 2022," wrote Kaesang as a photo caption.

"Please pray for me, friends," wrote Kaesang at the end.

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