YOGYAKARTA Being in a pomil period or a pregnancy program, it is necessary to maintain health and other unexpected factors can complicate pregnancy. One of the factors causing the difficulty of pregnancy is the content of certain chemicals in household products. What household products should be avoided by couples in the promil? The following is the list.

BPA is a chemical found in plastic. This material is larud in food and can affect fertility and baby development. According to Hoffman and Associates' ob-gyn Erika Nichelson, Tuesday, November 29, canned food can be coated with BPA. So, fresh fruit and vegetables are the best choice, but you have to wash them thoroughly so that pesticides run with water.

Maybe it's time to select the makeup table at home. Check perfume that contains Phthalates, and avoid wearing it because it can interfere with hormone levels. In addition, this chemical content can affect fertility, and reduce breast milk production.

Phthatales is not only found in perfume. But also in detergents, food packaging, to hair sprays.

The director of endocrinology for reproduction and infertility of M. Sultan MD at Lenox Hill Hospital said that retinoids are a class of compounds associated with vitamin A. When drunk systemically, they are teratogenic and interfere with embryo or fetal growth. Doctors recommend that patients who are in the pregnancy program should avoid it because it can be dangerous. Even during the first two weeks of conception and for two to seven weeks of embryo development, it can affect its development.

Kuku tangan dan kaki bisa can be beautiful bila diwarna. Tetapi mungkin Anda perlu bersiap waktu dari produk berbasis aseton, saran dokte rperawatan pribadi yang berbasis di Washington DC, Emperpi Agarwal, MD..

Many experts also suggest avoiding exposure to products with these chemicals. Because experts themselves do not know the exact bad effects of acetone-based products on fertility.

When you come to the pharmacy, you need to really bring a doctor's prescription, especially when you and your partner are planning a pregnancy. It is most recommended to find safe steps, so you have to consult a specialist before buying beauty and health products.

When shopping monthly, don't forget to read the list of ingredients on your body wash, shampoo, conditioner, and soap. Avoid products with parabens whose doses exceed a safe dose. Parabens are used by manufacturers to preserve product formulas. This is also used to prevent bacteria from developing. However, parabens can duplicate estrogen so that pregnant women or pregnant women need to avoid it.

While everyone produces estrogen, too much will definitely have an impact on fertility. Estrogen regulates hormones both in men and women. When out of balance, it is likely not to produce healthy eggs and sperm. So, look for products with other names from parabens, such as propilparaben, etylparaben, and others. Avoid using it for 6 months before conception and during the fertilization process, explains Jerald S. Goldstein, MD., founder and medical director at Fertility Specialists of Texas.

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