YOGYAKARTA The benefits of black coffee are not just eliminating drowsiness. This very popular drink in Indonesia is able to bring other benefits, especially for the health of the body. Especially when coffee is served without additional sugar or other sweeteners.

In Indonesia, the most common coffee dishes are made by brewing and then adding sugar, milk, or creamer. But did you know that some people prefer to serve brewed coffee without sugar. This is done to maximize the benefits of this caffeinated drink.

In the journal Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, black coffee contains various important substances such as carbohydrates, nitrogen compounds, vitamins, minerals, alkaloids, and phenolic compounds, and so on.

In addition, coffee also contains caffeine that has many benefits. The amount of caffeine in coffee is determined by many things ranging from coffee types, roasting methods, to the way it is served.

Various ingredients in this coffee will bring certain benefits to theANGos. The following are the benefits of coffee without sweeteners in general quoted from various sources.

Regular consumption of coffee turns out to help reduce the risk of decreased brain function caused by age increases. In addition, coffee warrants also have a small risk of getting Alzheimer's and dementia. Coffee also helps increase memory so that the risk of miscarriage is smaller.

Another coffee benefit is that it prevents type 2 diabetes. But of course the content of sugar or sweetener in coffee must be considered. This benefit can be felt by coffeeMilk without sugar. This happens because the caffeine content is able to increase the body's sensitivity to insulin.

Coffee is good for consumption when you are undergoing a diet program because it helps burn fat in the body. Caffeine in coffee will increase the body's metabolism so that fat burning can be done better. To bring this benefit you are advised to eat coffee without sugar or sugary milk.

When you eat coffee without sugar or sugary milk, indirectly participates in keeping your stomach healthy. Because coffee helps clean bacteria and toxins in the stomach by removing them through urine. In addition, coffee helps prevent the growth of malicious parasites that cause problems in the stomach.

As mentioned earlier, coffee is able to help increase human metabolism. This indirectly has an impact on heart health. When the body's metabolism is good, it is easier to burn fat. It also helps reduce the buildup of fat and cholesterol which triggers heart disease.

Another coffee benefit is as a source of antioxidants due to quinines. In addition, there are also hydrocinamic acid and polyphenols that help coffeemitters without sugar fight free radicals in the body.

The most common effects of drinking coffee are helping to be more focused and more vigilant. This happens because black coffee is able to activate neurotransmitters in the brain. So that when you need focus and alert, such as when driving a vehicle, drinking coffee is highly recommended. But you still have to eat coffee according to the dose.

That's information regarding the benefits of black coffee. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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