YOGYAKARTA How happy you are when you have a healthy pet cat. But when you find the hairs fall out on the floor or on the sofa, of course you need to immediately overcome them. In addition to cleaning it up immediately so that it doesn't fly, the anabul also needs to be checked for health.

When the cat's hair in the house goes out, it is generally caused by aphid allergies. However, there is not only one factor that causes it. This means pay attention to the following explanation regarding the cause of the cat's hair loss badly.

In cats, alopecia is understood as a skin allergy. According todiaman, assistant professor of dermatology at the University of Georgias Veterinary Teaching Hospital, cat hair is most common. Some hereditary cats, for example, Sphynx cats are born without hair and will never experience dexterity.

There are several types of alopecia, including alopecia preauricular, which occurs due to thinning of the hair on the skin strip between the ears and eyes. This, according to experts, is considered normal. Cat hair that falls out, generally will grow again if it does not show serious illness.

Biting and irritateing cats of any cat. But some cats have hypersensitivity to antigens in insect saliva. Cats that are allergic to tick bites can feel very itchy and have more playing activity instead of being happy.

Well, cat hair fall out due to alender allergies doesn't just happen. Because the part of his body that is bitten by a thumb will be bent and scratched, so that the hair is splashed. Apart from mealy, cats can also have allergies due to mites, food allergies, and environmental allergies.

Sometimes, cats too often treat their body area not because of itching. But because the tissue under the skin hurts, says the Batemen doctor. A cat with sediment inflammation may constantly smell a sick joints to help reduce discomfort. Automatically the furs are also smeared and become bald around it.

The cause of cat hair loss due to infection is not like due to more frequent allergies. Cats with infectious infection conditions, such as staph infections and fungi, can lose hair in the affected area. To overcome this, you need to take a cat to a nearby doctor or veterinary clinic so that you get the right recipe and treatment.

Cats whose hair goes out, may experience hyperthyroidism, or thyroid which is too active, causing weight loss and other symptoms. Outside the thyroid, if the cat experiences hormonal imbalance and in increasing steroid levels in the body, the hair follicles can die. Hormological levels are also abnormal so that new hair will not grow again.

The transdermal prednisone drug causes alopesia and curlys to the ear. According to doctor Hayworth as reported by Catster, Friday, November 18, treatment must be stopped if it results in bad conditions on the cat.

Cancer in cats, actually rarely causes cats to lose their fine hairs. Most likely the loss of cat hair is not serious. But neoplasia, a term for abnormal growth caused by uncontrolled cell division, can cause cat hair to fall out.

Another serious condition occurs due to cancer, which is called paraneoplastic alopecia. This disease is associated with itching and moist skin, causing hair loss. However, the cause of cat hair loss is severe due to this serious condition rarely occurs.

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