YOGYAKARTA Itching palms and water spots appear are skin problems that are commonly encountered by drugs that are very disturbing. These symptoms will indeed improve in a few days. However, there are also those that are not lost even though it has been going on for 2 weeks.

So, what causes the palms to be itchy and water spots appear?

Itching palms and watery clear spots appear are skin diseases called derrhydrotic (dishidrosis) dermatitis.

Dishidrotic dermatitis is not contagious and can attack men or women indiscriminately.

However, this disease tends to occur in people under 40 years of age. Dhydrotic dermatitis can make sufferers feel itchy with light to severe intensity, as compiled by VOI from various sources, Saturday, November 12, 2022.

Some people with dishidrotuk dermatitis also complain of itching accompanied by a burning sensation in the skin. This condition makes it difficult for them to sleep and do daily activities.

Clear spots containing water can also burst and spread in the nearest area, such as the back of the hand. Even so, dishidrotic dermatitis cannot be transmitted to other people.

Causes of itchy palms and various water spots appear, including:

Dermatics of dishidrophytic alias itching in the palms accompanied by water clear spots have different symptoms compared to other dermatitis, such as:

Itching palms and producer spots appear can be treated with medical medicine and also at home care.

The home treatment that you can do to deal with dydrotic dermatitis is as follows:

While treatment with medical medicine to treat itchy palms and watery spots that you can do, namely:

This is information about itching palms and water spots appear.

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