JAKARTA - Dewi Perssik again visited the South Jakarta Metro Police on Monday, November 7 to return to mediate with people who insulted her on social media. Depe came with his lawyer, Sandy Arifin and also his brother. Sandy said that after talking to his family, Dewi Perssik decided not to make peace.

From the family side and Ms. Dewi herself, we don't want to make peace yet. Until the family has not given permission to withdraw this report, and is still continuing," said Sandy Arifin when met at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Monday, November 7.

Dewi Persik, just like she said on Saturday, November 5, secqra personally still wants the legal process to continue. He hopes that the legal process can teach a lesson.

"I don't want to withdraw. This is just a lesson, that I follow what is right. So the police work as much as possible and professionally. I just follow what the police say, the best, what positive law is," said Dewi Persik.

Depe also advised the public, especially mothers, to be wise when using technology and social media. She felt that she did not mind being criticized, but when there was an insult to her from people who were not wise to play social media, Dewi felt that she was very disadvantaged.

Dewi further assumed that women who are not in the infotainment world should carry out other activities rather than social media.

"My advice is for mothers who do not work in infotainment, better for recitation, better, take care of their husbands, take care of their children, that's better, ma'am," said Dewi Perssik.

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