YOGYAKARTA - Anemia or lack of blood can make a person feel weak, look pale, and have a headache. Anemia is a condition when the body lacks red blood cells that transport oxygen throughout the body. This health problem can be overcome by consuming blood-added drinks.

Anemia can occur due to several factors, such as lack of red blood cell production, damage to red blood cells, excessive activity, or women during menstruation. Anemia is one of the important health problems to pay attention to and needs to be addressed immediately.

The condition of anemia is very disturbing to daily activities, work, study, and relationships with other people. Blood-boosting drinks can be a solution to prevent and overcome anemia.

There are several drinks that can help increase red blood cells in the body. These drinks are made of vegetables and natural fruit. The following is a list of suitable drinks for people with anemia or blood loss.

Jus spinach is a drink rich in nutrients that can add blood. spinach vegetables contain iron, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins C, B6, B2, K, and E. However,

Semangka is already very popular as a fruit to add blood. In the watermelons there is iron content that encourages blood formation to be faster. The watermelon Jus also contains vitamin C which plays a role in absorbing iron and smoothing blood flow.

Jambu seeds contain high vitamin C which functions to help form blood cells in the body. Jus from guava seeds also contain potassium which plays a role in keeping blood pressure normal.

Jeruk has vitamin B content, namely folic acid. This nutrients is useful for helping blood pressure in the body. While the vitamin C content in this fruit can facilitate the absorption of iron to be channeled throughout the body.

carrots contain vitamin A which is useful for reducing anemia. This nutrition plays a role in encouraging iron in the body to flow to the center of red blood cells. Carrots can overcome anemia due to iron deficiency and vitamin A deficiency.

Plum or prune fruit has a fairly high iron content. The content is useful as an increase in blood in the body. One glass (240 ml) juice of plum fruit contains about 3 mg iron. Jus of plums that are consumed regularly can relieve symptoms of anemia.

Mango is a fruit rich in vitamin A content. This nutrition plays a role in encouraging the production process of red blood cells in the body. Regular drinking mango juice can prevent anemia and help add blood.

Kurma is also a fruit that can help add blood in the body. Dates contain very high antioxides. In addition, in this fruit there is also iron content. Nutrition can prevent blood shortages and encourage the production of red blood cells.

Green beans are usually treated as consumption drinks for pregnant women and anemia patients. Sari beans ijo has the benefits of adding red blood in the body. Hjiau beans contain iron that can increase hemoglobin or blood cells.

The fruit of wine contains vitamin A and folic acid which plays a role in facilitating the production of blood cells in the body. Jus can be an option drink to increase blood and prevent anemia.

Those are some blood-boosting drinks that can be selected by anemia sufferers. For people who lack blood, consumption of these drinks needs to be done regularly so that blood in the body increases.

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