JAKARTA - The film Ballad Si Roy has been shown to the public at the Jakarta Film Week Jakarta festival and the 2022 Balima Karya Film Festival. The film Ballad Si Roy tells the story of young people who have the courage to fight for their environment to be better.

Director Fajar Nugros said, Ballad Si Roy is a story that is extraordinary. In this film, Roy is described as a friendly young man who has a hobby of riding mountains and keeping a dog named Joe.

Ballad Si Roy, adapted a novel with the same title by Heri Hendrayana Harris or better known as Gol A Gong. His novels were very long in the 87's.

"It is also the biggest challenge, a popular novel of ancient times, but it can be done by children today. After successfully finding the key, young people in the past and today have the same traits that always want to rebel," he said as quoted by ANTARA.

They want to do something for the environment. The mirror remains the same, that Roy used to be and relevant to today's era. Another challenge is to find tools that match the 87's, such as looking for makeup, tools, gestures and speech styles to be the same as in the 80s.

"Through this film, I hope that young people must care about their environment, should not be indifferent, and young people must fight for their environment," said Fajar.

Meanwhile, Abidzar Al Ghifari as Roy's actor admitted that through the film Ballad Si Roy this was the first time he became the main character. Previously, he had never been a first player, always been a supporting actor.

"Ini tantangan terbesar saya yang selama ini saya mengalami, karena semua proses baru mengetahui, ada metode-method yang harus dipelajari. Mengujar cerita, bukan perkara sekadar menepal, tetapi mengerti apa yang diinginkan sutradara, selain pencunihan," ujarnya.

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