YOGYAKARTA In general, the benefits of vitamin A play a role in cell growth. That means it is also assumed to be useful for dealing with acne. There are two types of vitamin A, namely with chromooid compounds from plants and retinoids from animals.

Retinoids, known as active ingredients in skincare, are useful for treating acne due to antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can improve the health of skin cells. Vitamin A, for certain purposes, can also be obtained by eating certain foods.

In its growth, cells need support to stay healthy and function properly. So, that's where the benefits as an antioxidants in vitamin A play a role. This vitamin protects the body from free radical attacks, slows cell aging, and keeps the skin look younger. In addition, vitamin A also reduces the speed of exfoliation of skin cells that have the potential to cause acne when clogging the pores.

According to research published in the Journal of American Academy of Dermatology, isotretinoin can treat severe acne. Reported by Medical News Today, isotretinoin is a type of retinoid. For skin care or specifically dealing with acne with oral, or drinking medicine, it is necessary to reconsider because of the risk of liver damage. liver damage due to retinoids is caused by fat cells tied up with vitamin A so that it accumulates and becomes toxic.

Topically, retinoids help reduce inflammation and bacteria. Topical drugs with vitamin A that treat acne are recommended to be applied to the skin at night because it makes the skin sensitive to UV light.

Retinoids can also help remove acne scars. From some evidence in the study, it was found that skincare treatments that contain retinoids can improve appearance. The skincare can fade acne scars after 24 weeks of treatment. However, using a retinoid is not an instant way to remove acne scars, let alone scar tissue. Goodly, vitamin A in repairing damaged cells in a long and routine process from time to time.

Vitamin A, especially topical retinoids, is available in stores or pharmacies without recipes. Many skincare products also offer anti-aging creams and acne treatments that contain retinoids. In addition, many supplements are also available which are claimed to improve skin beauty.

If you like a natural way of maintaining skin beauty, overcoming acne, and acne scars, you can use a diet menu that is high in vitamins A. Foods rich in vitamin A, among others, salmon, herring fish, cow's liver, eggs, dairy products, and plant-based foods are orange yellow. For example sweet potatoes, carrots, and LABOR. For vegetables, you can eat broccoli, spinach, and▁siangps.

Experts advise, if you are considering using vitamin A for acne, you must consult a doctor first. If you add foods rich in vitamin A, it's generally safe. But oral and topical care with vitamin A to treat acne, needs to be done according to the conditions of each person.

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