JAKARTA - Gaby Warouw made his second debut as an actress through his latest film, You deserve to Die. This film became his first project after graduating from JKT48 who made his name.

10 years of her career as a singer made a void in the hearts of women 24 years old. Gaby himself was declared graduate (graduate) from JKT48 as of August 14.

"It's a very drastic difference. Usually I appear in front of many people singing and dancing, it's definitely crowded. But this time I'm acting myself and maybe people who really want to watch it, "as soon as Gaby opens his story to VOI one day.

Gaby also became the last member of the first generation to graduate from JKT48. 10 years is not a short time, but Gaby feels that the group of AKB48 sisters has a big influence in his life.

I saw that JKT48 was a place to share positive energy that I really like. Outside I feel tired or sad, but when I went through JKT48 activities I was happy and excited again. It was precisely when I wanted to leave JKT it me, "Can you say it? Can you be as happy and excited as this?" he recalled.

It's not just about singing, this actress who was born on April 11, admits that synergizing with fans and a positive environment is something that makes her feel at home in JKT48.

He admitted that initially he planned to graduate in the 8th year. However, there are reasons that keep him until the 10th year and become the longest record for members of the first generation.

Actually, it was in the 8th year because my first generation friends had run out. But there is something that makes me still lacking for 8 years, why not 10 years. My fans are also proud of me as one of the surviving members," explained Gaby.

The presence of fans is also one of the highlights during his career at JKT48. At its peak, when Gaby graduated at the celebration of 10 years of JKT48 which was held on August 6 at Istora Senayan.

"It may not be memorable. Seeing life yesterday's 10th anniv concert was the best concert because the stage was very magnificent, many former members came so on stage it was hundreds of people," said Gaby.

Fansnya juga sampai 4 ribu lebih di Istora Senayan dan menurut saya itu konseri JKT48 paling besar dan mewah. Aku gradutenya di situ juga kan. Celebration dan farewell jadi paling tetap., lanjutnya.

He also felt mixed when he saw many changes from former JKT48 members. Some have children, some have started a new career. This made the former captain of team J touched.

Previously, the first generation of JKT48 was 28 people, right and what was it like to be left by friends. From one, two to 27 and they came back. Even though it's not 27, the reunion is still going on," explained Gaby.

The lessons during JKT48 made a Gaby Warouw prepare to go further in the entertainment industry. This is evidenced by Gaby joining the film "Kiantas Mati" by Ginanti Rona.

"Honestly, I was also surprised why I made my acting debut in a horror film. I thought I would debut in a romantic drama film. This is something that is unexpected but challenging," said Gaby about his debut film.

As a coward, this Jakarta-born woman challenges herself to play Vanessa. Vanessa's character is a high school student who likes to do evil to friends in her class.

Through the film You deserve to Die, Gaby Warouw meets many new friends. But he was also met with Zee who is still joining JKT48.

"We were given an acting class for two weeks at the Indonesian Role House. We were given coaching lessons for us to feel not just playing something. I have to feel 17 years, background, parents, zodiacally, it turns out that it is considered when acting," said Gaby.

Your film No wonder Dead made Gabriella Margaret Warouw want to play in a similar genre. He chose a thriller as the genre he wanted to play in the future.

"Yes, you can't give up, you're even more curious because there are many films. I'm curious about the thriller genre. But for collaboration with the director, who haven't thought about it yet," he answered straightforwardly.

Gaby Warouw also wants to deepen his acting skills by practicing and starting casting films. So far he has not thought about returning to music after graduating from JKT48.

"I like listening to music but if I choose music or acting I prefer acting because I'm more curious. Maybe because music is the world that I have studied," said Gaby Warouw.

Ending the conversation session, Gaby also revealed plans for VOI to come forward. He is also still adapting to changes when he has to promote himself.

"I feel it's different because I don't sing and dance, it feels quiet because in the past I used to be busy every day I met fans and members but now I'm alone. It's quiet but it has to be lived," he replied.

"The plan is for me to be sure in the future, if it's more of a promo to premiere. After that, I want to focus on acting, whether it's film casting or soap operas. Because I'm interested, so I want to learn a lot about acting," concluded Gaby Warouw.

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