YOGYAKARTA - The dose of water in cooking rice determines the texture of rice when it is finished or cooked. However, many still fail to make the ideal rice because they do not understand how much water is.

The water used in cooking rice must be right or according to the dose. If the water is too much, it will produce soft rice. On the other hand, if the water is too little, the rice will have a hard and dry texture.

It's possible that the dose of water in cooking rice is actually very easy. But the type of rice also determines how much water is needed.

In general, people find a drink of water to cook rice using their fingers. This finger trick has been used for a long time, because the method is very easy and fast without the need for additional equipment.

In addition to using fingers, another alternative way to determine the flow of rice cooking water is to use the palm of the hand. Here are the steps from these two ways.

The first way to determine the dose of rice cooking water can be done by placing the index finger in the water. After the water is poured into a pan or container for cooking rice, dip your index finger upright into the water.

The ideal water dose for producing delicious rice is that the water must be as high as the first segment of the index finger. If the water exceeds the first segment of your finger, reduce the water. However, if it still hasn't reached the segment, please increase the volume of water.

The second way to determine the flow of water in cooking rice is to put your palms in the water. After the rice is soaked in water, slam your palms directly into the water. Make all the palms of the hand until it reaches the surface of the rice.

The right dose using this method is that the water must be as high as the back limit of the last joints of your fingers. If you cross that limit, then you have to reduce the water. Likewise, when it has not reached that high, then you need to increase the water.

Many people like the texture of pure rice compared to the pera. Puren rice is rice which has a softer and sticky texture. While pera rice is rice which has a drier or harder texture.

There are several additional tips for those of you who want to make pure rice. The first way is to soak rice for 30 minutes before cooking or making children. This trick is said to be often used by Japanese people.

The second way is by mixing cooked rice after 20-30 minutes. If you cook using a pan, arrange a small fire for 20-30 minutes. When it's cooked, let it go for approximately 5-10 minutes. This trick is done so that the water vapor comes out and the rice doesn't get staled quickly.

The third way is by determining the comparison of water to the volume of rice. You can use the ratio of rice and water 1:2. So one glass of rice requires 2 glasses of water. If the type of rice you use is pera rice, you can add a little water.

Many do not know if the type of rice determines the results of rice when it is cooked. The texture of each rice can vary depending on the type of rice cooked. There are several types of rice that require a lot of water. There are also those that only need a little water.

Those are some ways to determine the dose of water for cooking rice. In addition to the two methods, there are also people who have their own way of measuring water to produce the ideal rice. In addition, don't forget that the type of rice will determine the texture of the rice.

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