YOGYAKARTA Whatever is done with your partner, when you are new to a relationship, you will feel sweet and beautiful. This is often called honeymoon phase, where your partner feels happiness as a whole.

Honeymoon phase or honey moon phase is the early stages of a relationship. In this phase, the joy of you and your partner increased. This initial phase, it seems that nothing else is more important than spending time together with your partner. Launching the statement of Lindsey Mestelaar, the host of a dating podcast and relationship was reported by The Everygirl, Monday, September 26, the honey moon phase when everyone who is paired does not make mistakes and nothing can prevent them from being alone.

In the proverb, the 'world belongs to the two of you' phase of the honey Moon. According to psychotherapist and relationship expert Dr. Neil Wilkie says that during this period you are starting to wonder about the future with your partner.

There is no 'normal' duration when this honeymoon phase will end. It depends on the amount of time you spend with your partner. Updates will probably fade faster if you don't spend time together again. Or long distance relationship couples need more to keep the relationship perfect.

In some relationships, the honey moon phase can end faster because of the sound of a danger sign. Such as overexpectation and finding a lack of unacceptable partner. Kristie Overstreet psychotherapist added that the factors that affect the length of the honey moon phase are the mental and emotional health of each pair.

If you focus on what you can do to be yourself, this phase will last longer. Basically, the honey moon phase will last longer because it is more related to how you feel about yourself.

The end of the honey moon phase is not something to be afraid of. It might even need to be celebrated, because it is free from physical attraction alone. Your interest in your partner is more in something more immersive. If the honey moon phase ends, here are some tips that can be done to maintain it.

Relationship reality arises after the honeymoon phase ends. This means that you and your partner need to identify together like the relationship later. At this point, it takes an honest attitude, be yourself, and treat your partner respectfully without stealing the impression.

No one is perfect, so you need to accept each other. You and your partner may recognize each other's shortcomings and strengths. This means that there is no need to hide anything for the sake of the preservation of the relationship later.

When it comes to romantic aspects, it shows flaws and is loved because it is a pretty romantic part, isn't it? In addition, experts also suggest trying to accept your partner's shortcomings and encouraging each other to develop.

Like ordinary life, changes are also experienced by every couple. A couple who lasts forever and is able to maintain a relationship with the end of the honey moon phase, tends to more easily adapt to actual situations related to relationships.

The end of the honey moon phase does not mean the relationship ends. In a healthy relationship, every couple will take care of each other and respect each other, including after going through the most beautiful phase. So, in addition to enjoying together the sweet phase, couples also need to celebrate or accept the hardest phase.

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