Jakarta - People who set a diet to lose weight are usually asked to avoid dry fruit because it contains a lot of sugar, but recent research results show that dry fruit can facilitate dietary settings by suppressing appetite.

According to researchers from Liverpool University in England, eating dried fruit can help hold hunger because high fiber content in the fruit makes the stomach feel full longer. The researchers conducted the research to see the influence of dry fruit on a diet by tracking the weight and appetite of 100 overweight men and women who received comprehensive diet suggestions.

Half of them are given dried fruit for snacks. Men are asked to eat dry Prune fruit about 170 grams or 15 prune a day and women 140 grams or 12 prune a day. Prune or European plum is rich in fiber, making people feel full for a long time.

Both groups lost about four pounds or 1.8 kilograms of weight and one inch of their waist size was reduced by three months, according to research reported by the Mail Online page. However, weight loss in the prudent consumption group was faster at the end of the diet.

Researcher Jo Harrold said that although Prune is known to cause digestive disorders, research participants can tolerate it. Harrold's colleague, Jason Halford, said it appeared that the effect of suppressing Prune's appetite exceeded the impact of its sugar content. He suspects that other dried fruit, such asigners, has almost the same advantage. He added that eating more dried fruit makes it easier for people to meet their needs to consume five servings of fruit and one each day.

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