YOGYAKARTA - An enlarged stomach can indicate two conditions, namely a pregnant stomach and a distended stomach. At first glance, these two conditions look the same or difficult to distinguish. However, there are differences in the characteristics of the pregnant and distended abdomen. Women who are in a sexual active period must know the difference between the two.

Until now, there are still many who find it difficult to distinguish the characteristics of a pregnant and distended stomach. Sometimes people who experience pregnancy suspect that their stomach is just distended because there are no signs of pregnancy. There are also people who only experience gardens but think they are pregnant. Even though his stomach grew because there was a pile of fat.

These two conditions are important to note because they are related to health and reproductive conditions. Not to mention if this is considered by the family or people around you. Actually, how to check a pregnancy can be done easily using a test pack or direct test kit to an obstetrician. However, there are still many young women who are still not ready to do it.

The pregnancy and distended stomach can be seen as different from the physical conditions and accompanying symptoms. The following is an explanation of the characteristics of the pregnant and distended stomach which can be a reference for you.

The condition of the pregnancy can be known from the signs experienced by the body when the stomach starts to grow. For women who have been pregnant, they must already understand how to detect pregnancy.

When a woman has a pregnancy, her stomach contains a fetus that experiences growth from day to day. When the fetus grows older, the condition of the stomach also enlarges even though it does not occur in a short time.

One sign of pregnancy is that the size of the stomach remains the same before eating and after eating. So the size of the stomach remains stable, does not shrink or enlarge due to the effect of eating.

One of the signs of a pregnant stomach can be felt when you sit down. The terrace's stomach is pulled when you're going to sit and when you're about to stand up. You feel your stomach interested because of the condition of your fast stomach which is a sign of pregnancy.

You can also detect pregnancy by touching your stomach. Someone who has a pregnancy, your stomach will feel tight and hard because it contains a fetus that continues to grow. In addition, your stomach is also difficult to pinch.

Another characteristic that indicates a pregnant stomach is the delay in tracing. While pregnant, you will not experience a duration of 9 months. This condition causes the mentruation to be late to give birth to children.

The delay in mentruating is caused by the body which is undergoing fertilization and produces hormones that stop ovulation and release of the uterus.

Breast conditions are also a sign that a person has a pregnancy. Pregnant women will experience natural breast enlargement. In addition, the breasts is also more sensitive than usual. Puting also experienced changes in shape getting bigger. Then the aerola or the area around the nipples became darker.

Nausea and vomiting can be a sign of pregnancy. A pregnant woman will feel nauseous and vomiting because she is experiencing hormonal changes in the early stages of pregnancy or called morning illness.

There are several signs of a pregnant stomach that does not occur on a distended stomach. What are the characteristics?

A stomach that has a garden can be seen in signs at the time before and after eating. A distended person's stomach will enlarge after he eats. The flatulent stomach occurs due to gas entering and piling up in the stomach from food intake. Especially if what is consumed has a high gas content.

If a pregnant person experiences feeling a tight stomach while sitting and standing, the distended person does not. A distended stomach will feel soft and even moist when sitting and will stand up. Usually when sitting will appear folds in his stomach.

People's distended stomach doesn't feel tight at all. The condition of the stomach actually moisturizes or soft because of the buildup of fat in his stomach. When pinched, the distended stomach will stretch or elasticly. Especially if the person rarely exercise.

Women whose stomach is distended continue to experience menstruation as usual. The condition of their stomach does not affect their menstruation cycle. The cycle of mentruating can be disrupted when the person is under stress or hormonal imbalance.

Women's breast with distended breasts does not change shape. A distended stomach does not affect the size and sensitivity of the breast. A distended stomach only affects your weight.

That's the difference in the characteristics of the pregnant and distended abdomen. How to distinguish it is quite easy as long as you remember and understand the signs. So it's easy for women not to know.

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