JAKARTA - Mental health is important to pay attention to. If not treated then it can cause depression. Clinical psychologist Ratih Ibrahim, MM, Psychologists invite people to be more aware of the dangers of depression if they are not handled properly because they are at risk of creating ideas and suicides.

"I want to invite all of us to be aware of what depression is and how it will lead to suicide," said Ratih, who is Chairman II of the Indonesian Clinical Psychologists Association (IPK), quoted from ANTARA, Monday, September 12.

Maybe if we look at it in general, we often hear sometimes, 'Oh, I just want to die, it's built up'. Then we think our friends are really silly. Even though being careful, you know, it's a sign that needs to be addressed not indiscriminately," he added.

Citing data from the World Health Organization (WHO) issued this year, Ratih said that 1 in 8 people worldwide or about 970 million people in the world are experiencing mental disorders. Anxiety and depression are the most common mental disorders.

The data shown by WHO, said Ratih, is a number that is not kidding. He also emphasized that depression can kill someone secretly (silent killer) so it cannot be underestimated.

"On my way as a mental health professional, I found that this really depression was not a joke," he said.

Furthermore, Ratih explained that depression is a mental disorder characterized by depression, loss of interest, self-esteem, decreased, continuous feelings of guilt emerged, as well as daily activities and functions that were constantly disrupted.

"If it is not handled seriously, it will enter the major depressive disorder (MDD) and there will be a desire to commit suicide," he said.

He said depression will affect physical health, decreased performance and achievement, decreased the quality of relationships with friends and family, decreased productivity, and decreased opportunities to contribute in society.

Ratih emphasized that promotive and preventive or preventive businesses are very important to be carried out and intensified. Healthy people are expected to stay healthy, and those with symptoms are expected to be minimized to recover.

He reminded the public to continue to be aware of the importance of maintaining five aspects consisting of physical, cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and social aspects as an effort to prevent depression.

If explained, the physical aspect recommends that the public pay attention to balanced nutritional intake and rest, coupled with regular exercise and physical activity. Cognitive aspects mean keeping the mindset growing (growth mindset) so that it can think positively and realisticly.

The aspect of emotion emphasizes the importance of self-care or giving oneself space to express negative emotions in a healthy way, as well as conducting counseling with clinical and psychotherapist psychologists.

In addition, aspects of behavior can be realized by collecting positive emotions and activities and increasing intellectual activities, such as reading books and watching educational films. While social aspects recommend to always interact socially, if possible face-to-face, and connect with family.

The point is that we build a support system for ourselves and also for our family, our closest friends so that they are not alone. And in these depressions can be prevented, thoughts to suicide behavior can be avoided. Why? Because all life is meaningful and valuable, said Ratih.

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