JAKARTA - Dewi Lestari shared the latest news on her husband, Reza Gunawan. The holistic expert has just undergone treatment at the hospital due to a stroke.

Through her Instagram account, Dewi Lestari uploaded a photo of her hands. But now he has resumed recovery at home.

"One month one week. Reza has been hospitalized due to a bleeding stroke and will now continue her recovery at home," wrote Dee Lestari today, Friday, September 2.

This will be a long recovery journey. For an uncertain time, Reza has not been able to practice, open classes, or fulfill teaching invitations," he said on behalf of his husband.

Dee explained that Reza Gunawan is still undergoing privacy recovery. As a result, he hopes that his closest relatives and family can understand his decision.

"I deliberately limit this news so that Reza's privacy while in the hospital is maintained and our family can more calmly manage the various things we have to face," he continued.

"To friends, neighbors, friends and relatives who are kind enough to help and support Reza while being treated, I thank you profusely. You know who you are," said Dewi Lestari.

The author ended his writing by asking for prayers and support from the public.

"On this occasion, I also ask for sincere prayers from all of Reza's friends so that the recovery process will run well, safely, and calmly. Thank you for your kindness and understanding. Hopefully all creatures are happy," he concluded.

The post also received comments from the public including fellow public figures.

"Pray for Reza's recovery. Take care of your health, Wi," wrote Andi Rianto.

"The best prayers and God restores," added Lukman Sardi.

It's a shame to send prayers and energy for Reza so that he will recover soon. It's a pain in the era of Teteeh," said Dira Sugandi.

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