YOGYAKARTA – In addition to age that cannot be denied, external factors or from outside oneself can also cause wrinkled skin. This is not only experienced by women, but also men. In men, this is something that is rarely noticed and can cause facial skin wrinkles.

1. Sun exposure

Spending time in the sun is the first cause of wrinkled skin. According to research published in the journal Clinical, Cosmetic, and Investigational Dermatology, shows that 80 percent of Caucasians experience signs of premature aging, including wrinkles, as a result of sun exposure.

Sun rays with UVA and UVB are the most bad for the skin. The level of risk is influenced by age, skin color, and total exposure time. If you are repeatedly exposed to these rays, the collagen fibers under the skin will be damaged and cause wrinkles on the skin. The best way to protect your skin and minimize the ill effects is to use a sunscreen lotion.

penyebab kulit wajah pria keriput di usia muda
Illustration of the causes of wrinkled men's facial skin at a young age (Unsplash/Lumin)
2. Smoking

There are many medical recommendations for quitting smoking for the sake of body health. In addition, smoking also affects the condition of the skin. The study was conducted to prove skin differences between smokers and non-smokers. People who smoke, the skin will experience discoloration and aging lines or wrinkles appear.

3. Hormonal changes

Some experts believe that changing hormone levels can cause wrinkles. The male hormone testosterone, according to a number of studies reported by Verywell Health, Monday, August 29, affects the skin and causes wrinkles. In men, testosterone can function to increase the thickness and moisture of the skin. But with age or other causes that affect testosterone decreases, will affect skin elasticity and can cause wrinkles.

4. Skin color

Melanin works to provide pigment to the skin, while also helping to protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Less sun damage means less wrinkling. This means that people with lighter or lighter skin tend to wrinkle faster than those with darker skin.

5. Changes in weight

Not only happens on facial skin, losing more subcutaneous fat that is located under the skin will be more prone to wrinkles. That is, if the more fat that is burned into energy, the more likely it is that the skin will not tighten anymore unless you do a number of ways to tighten the skin.

6. Gravity and daily habits

Older people, the skin is no longer tight against gravity. This is an unavoidable wrinkle. In addition, muscle contractions that occur during habitual expressions will affect the firmness of the skin on the forehead, the corners of the eyes, and the cheeks. The habit of facial expressions also forms wrinkle lines according to the character of the face.

7. Family history

How you develop wrinkles, in addition to external factors, habits, and age, can also be due to inherited genes. Family history can't be denied like age.

Those are the seven factors that cause a man's facial skin to wrinkle. Some factors can also be experienced by women, but have different aspects even though the effect is the same.

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