YOGYAKARTA The dietary menu of calorie deficits is one way to help reduce weight programs. Calorie reduction steps are taken by consuming a low-calorie food menu within a certain period of time, can be three days, a week, or a month.

Understanding the Diet Menu Defisit Kalali

The calorie deficit is a calorie reduction based on daily habits. For example, the calorie intake you get is usually 2,000 calories. With this program, calories that can enter the body are reduced to 1,500.

Calorie reduction is done by eating food menus that are low in calories such as turnip, lettuce, tomatoes, fish, eggs, potatoes, and so on.

For those of you who want to try setting a diet menu or make it a lifestyle, you can try it in the shortest period, namely three days or one week. The recommendations for a diet menu that you can try are as follows.

Three Day Kalori Deficit Diet Menu

This menu will provide 1200 calories per day with a intake of 30-45 grams of carbohydrates per serving of food.

In the morning, you can consume the following menu.

Meanwhile, during the day, the menu consumed is as follows.

Meanwhile, at night of emotion, the menu consumed is the following.

The second morning menu is as follows.

The day afternoon menu on the second day

The third night menu

The third day of the morning menu is as follows.

During the day menu

Night menu

Those are some information related to the calorie deficit diet for three days that you can try. To get another menu, visit VOI.ID.

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