YOGYAKARTA – When referring to sensitive skin, it specifically refers to the frequent skin conditions that change color to red, feel sore, and itchy. Conditions such as rosacea and eczema, are also referred to as sensitive skin that is easily irritated, according to Lauren Fine, MD, a board-certified dermatologist.

Doctor Fine explained that the cause of the skin is easily irritated from the weakened skin barrier to maintain moisture. As skin moisture decreases, it's easy for this outer part of your body to be more reactive to products. Other factors that play a role in triggering sensitive skin are the immune system, sun exposure, eating spicy foods, and skin care products.

For those of you who have sensitive facial skin, avoid making mistakes in treating skin in the following ways.

1. Using skin care products that are too harsh

Products with active ingredients or compositions that are too harsh for your sensitive skin should be discontinued. In addition, you need to do regular maintenance gently. Starting from cleaning the face to when applying acne medication.

kesalahan merawat kulit sensitif yang perlu dihindari
Illustration of mistakes in caring for sensitive facial skin that need to be avoided (Freepik)

Plus, avoid peeling materials. These ingredients are like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs). Also avoid using scrubs. It is recommended for light exfoliation aimed at removing dead skin cells with a washcloth.

2. Avoid retinoids

Retinoids are derivatives of vitamin A and you may have heard of this ingredient being beneficial for facial skin. When applied to the skin, retinoids help regenerate skin cells and stimulate collagen production. But the effect can make the skin red and peeling. A dermatologist's advice was reported by Everyday Health, Thursday, August 25, that using skincare with retinaldehyde ingredients is still safe for sensitive skin. As long as it's enough to use a pea-sized amount, apply it gradually, and apply moisturizer afterwards. In addition to retinaldehyde, bakuchiol can be another alternative choice.

3. Rely on clean beauty

Clean beauty is an understanding that is implemented in using organic skincare ingredients. Many people with sensitive skin believe that organic ingredients will work safely without risking their skin which is easily irritated. However, according to Fine, clean or natural needs to be looked at more deeply. The reason is, essential oils, for example, can make sensitive skin more prone to problems.

4. Wearing the wrong type of sunscreen

The recommended rule, both sensitive and normal skin, must wear sunscreen every day. Even though it's cloudy, sunscreen can help protect you from UVA and UVB rays, and prevent premature aging and skin cancer.

But for sensitive skin, choose a sunscreen made from zinc oxide and titanium oxide. Avoid active ingredients such as oxybenzone and avobenzone, according to the American Association of Dermatology.

5. Using too much skincare

Due to the abundance of new skincare products, those of you with sensitive skin need to hold back a little. Not all of these products will be well received on your skin. That is, never try to change skincare without knowing complete information. You also need to know, every skin has a different condition. Sometimes, fellow sensitive skin will react differently to one skincare product.

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