YOGYAKARTA – Most cats don't like water. Although there are certain races that don't hate water. Because of this behavior, cat owners need to know how to properly care for and condition their home. In addition, in order for cats to continue to bathe at regular intervals, the owner of the pet anabul needs to know tricks so that they do not rebel when bathed.
1. Cats don't like water because of the evolution processCats are believed to have been domesticated 9,500 years ago in the Middle East. They evolved in arid desert climates far from rivers, lakes, and even rain. This has resulted in today's cats mostly avoiding standing water. In fact, cats often seek shelter from rain and thunderstorms.
Unlike the Turkish Angora and Turkish Van races. Both races are known to love water and can swim. They are adapted to the climate they live in, namely in the Lake Van region of Turkey. Other breeds that love water include the Bengal, Maine Coon, and the American Bobtail.
2. Cats are sensitive to scentsA cat's sense of smell is fourteen times more sensitive than a human's. Many people end up speculating that this is why cats don't like the smell of shampoo, other fur-care chemicals, and even the smell of tap water.

If you pay attention, cats spend a lot of time licking their bodies. This ended up being called the 'cat bath'. If examined further, this bathing behavior is an attempt by the cat to maintain its body temperature. When a cat's coat is wet with water, it's hard for them to get warm and dry again.
4. Cats have bad experiences with waterAs in humans, cats also experience bad experiences that correlate to shape their behavior. If cats are often caught in heavy rain without protection, sprayed with water, or forced to bathe so that they don't feel comfortable, this will only make the cat hate water even more. Therefore, for those of you who have a cat at home, it is obligatory to condition the situation so that your pet cat remains comfortable and does not experience traumatic experiences with water.
Well, when bathing, you need to identify ways to make your cat feel comfortable with water. Usually, cats are bathed to avoid skin problems. A bath is also necessary if the cat is rolling around in something sticky or smelly.
Before bathing your cat, try to familiarize him with the tub. This is an attempt to get them used to the room. place the cat in an empty tub or sink with a toy, catnip, or treat so that it can positively associate the location.
Once the cat is comfortable, fill the tub with an inch or two of warm water. Spread the toys all over the tub so he can have fun with them. Be sure to prepare shampoo made specifically for cats, special food and toys that cats love, a warm towel, a plastic cup to pour water on the cat, and a non-slip surface or rubber coating.
While bathing the cat, create a calm environment. You also need to be calm and speak softly. Avoid spraying the cat's face and ears and whiskers. Because a cat's whiskers are exactly where a cat's touch receptors are located. After that, make sure to rinse the shampoo thoroughly to prevent skin irritation.
Then after bathing, use a dry towel to wrap the cat's body. Finally, end the bathing session with a fun activity, such as cuddling or giving your cat a favorite treat.
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