Elon Musk Denies Having Relationship With Google Co-founder's Wife
Elon Musk (Explica.co)

JAKARTA - Elon Musk has denied the news of a special relationship with the wife of Google co-founder and best friend, Sergey Brin. Musk was previously said to be in a relationship with Nicole Shanahan.

The relationship was revealed by the Wall Street Journal, which said it was the reason Shanahan and Brin decided to divorce earlier this year. Elon Musk replied to a tweet regarding the news.

“This is bullshit. Sergey and I are friends and we were at the same party last night!” wrote Elon Musk.

The WSJ wrote that Musk and Shanahan became close after an art event in Miami, Florida. Reportedly the two of them often meet even though Shanahan is still in the same house with Brin.

"I've only seen Nicole twice in three years, both with a lot of people. No romance," Musk continued.

Then someone replied to Elon Musk's tweet with "So relieved to hear that."

Elon Musk replied, "I've never been in touch again (huh)"

Not stopping there, Elon Musk complained that the WSJ media looked like a gossip tabloid for making news from anonymous sources.

“The WSJ was supposed to have standards for journalism and now they are like tabloids. WSJ should create stories that are important to readers with a solid foundation, not hearsay,” he wrote.

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