JAKARTA - Director and scriptwriter Ernest Prakasa expressed his longing to make a comedy-drama film. He is currently preparing for the production of the film "Cek Store Next to 2".

"I want to go back to comedy because I really miss (being involved) and it so happens that all of these actors are funny. I really miss it because the last film 'Teka Teki Tika' was not a comedy, so here I am 'revenge'," said Ernest when met in Jakarta, Friday (22/7).

"It's a fun experience to be able to reunite together and get new experiences. I can't wait to make this film, and can't wait to entertain the audience," he added to Antara.

As is known, "Cek Toko Next" has one film that was released in 2016 and a series that was released on streaming services. When asked to differentiate the script-making process for films, series, and sequels, Ernest said that the drama element was his main focus.

"In the series, the concept is a sitcom, more comedy than drama. For films, the backbone is drama. The script has been developed since late last year. There are quite a lot of considerations, where will this sequel focus on. Once you have found it, the direction is clear , it will be smoother," said Ernest.

"And (from a technical point of view) I think I have more insight in my seventh film, there should be differences that can be seen from the visuals, treatment shots, and others. It should have been more varied with the level of production value, not only from the scale, but also the details in the film. frames," he added.

Talking about the script, Ernest's wife, Meira Anastasia, who also serves as a scriptwriter and co-director, said the main difference from the previous film is the presence of conflict from the female side.

"It adds more color to the problems from the side of the female character. Women will relate to the female character in this film, which we bring to the story in 'Cek Toko Seberang 2'. There is a difference there. There is a female side that is more visible when compared to the film. first time," explained Meira.

The female character who is the main focus in this film is Natalie, now played by Laura Basuki. Laura admitted that she couldn't wait to act in a comedy-drama film.

"It's been a long time since I played a skit and I finally decided to get involved here. I've also wanted to work with Ernest for a long time," said Laura.

Meanwhile, "Check Shop Next door" will start filming on July 26. The film is still slated for release at the end of this year.

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