YOGYAKARTA – For people with diabetes, both type 1 and type 2, managing a diet is important to control blood sugar levels in the body. According to dietitians who specialize in the management of prediabetes and diabetes, regular and balanced eating is essential on many levels. The goal is not only to help keep blood glucose stable but also to regulate the body's internal clock.

That is why mealtime is important for people with type 2 diabetes. Because it is necessary to make a schedule according to the condition of the body. Giving too long a distance between meals, can have an effect on lowering blood sugar. Meanwhile, if you only have one large meal, you are likely to experience spikes in blood sugar increases and lack of energy throughout the day. So what is the right diet for people with diabetes, especially type 2?

Blood glucose often peaks about 90 minutes after eating, reports BezzyT2D, Thursday, July 21. The time the blood glucose returns to normal varies from person to person. This depends on whether the person is taking blood sugar-lowering drugs such as insulin or not.

jam makan malam penderita diabetes
Illustration of setting dinner hours for diabetics (iStockphoto)

Well, meal times are scheduled and done regularly not only affect the high or low blood sugar. When eating, every cell of the body works and is related to the level of inflammation. It's also related to how quickly your body can replace old, dying cells with stronger new ones, the health of your gut microbiome, and your circadian clock.

"If you eat regularly, it will be better because it supports your circadian clock," explains Dr. Anis Rehman, assistant professor of endocrinology at Southern Illinois University.

Circadian rhythms in a 24-hour cycle work on every cell in the human body and are related to fluctuations in hormone levels, metabolism, to everything you do or think. Circadian is also concerned with how the body responds to drugs. In addition, the body's natural rhythm is also closely related to the immune system, which is characterized by the number of good microbiomes in the digestive system.

If the circadian pattern is disturbed, it is believed to be able to develop diseases such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. The timing of meals and their portions can also affect circadian rhythms and metabolism, said Rehman.

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Illustration of setting dinner hours for diabetics (iStockphoto)

A 2019 study showed that both are related to insulin. Your body naturally releases insulin every time you eat. Insulin not only triggers the body to absorb blood glucose but also gives a strong signal to the rest of the body. But it turns out, having a meal schedule or when you should eat, the effect is not simple.

"Each person is unique, and it's important to identify what works best for each person in terms of meal timing and blood sugar management," explains Vandana Sheth, RDN., CDCES., a Los Angeles-based dietitian.

The advice given by Sheth and Rehman, first, is to eat a large breakfast. A lot in the sense of being controlled, at least rich in protein, fiber, and blood sugar controlling fats. In the morning, blood sugar levels tend to spike in line with cortisol levels. So a low carb breakfast is recommended.

Second, eat snacks twice a day to improve the feeling when you are on the move. In some people, snacking helps maintain blood sugar, energy levels, and a feeling of fullness. Avoid snacking accidentally, because it has a big effect on blood sugar.

The next suggestion, for people with type 2 diabetes need to try fasting at night. For example, not eating for 10-12 hours at night. If you eat breakfast at 8:30 a.m., that means limiting dinner and snacks between 8:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.

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