JAKARTA - The band D'MASIV plans to release physical releases of songs recorded at Abbey Road last year in double album format.

D'MASIV which consists of Rian (vocals), Kiki (guitar), Rama (guitar), Rayyi (bass) and Wahyu (drums) on that occasion has recorded as many as 20 songs in acoustic and full band arrangements at the legendary music studio.

For starters, D'MASIV has released an album titled Live Acoustic @Abbey Rd in digital format which contains 10 hits from the first to sixth albums in acoustic versions.

"We are planning to release a double album. So it will be a full band and acoustics in a vinyl record format," Rian told Antara, Wednesday, November 4.

Rian said if there were no obstacles the double album recording at Abbey Road would be released by early next year.

For D'MASIV, the physical release of a song is one of the important things to have. Although nowadays the times have changed to digital.

"For its function, it is more collectable items. Something that can be placed if we meet, for example, we can sign. Digital can only be heard. In physical terms, we can know who is mixing who is mastering. So there is a complete credit title," said Rian.

Furthermore, the Live Acoustic @Abbey Rd album became very special for D'MASIV. Apart from celebrating 17 years of work, D'MASIV also has an album in acoustic format for the first time.

"We have never released an acoustic version. Indeed, we see that the momentum is right. We have a desire to have an acoustic album from the beginning, but it has not been accomplished, maybe this could be the realization," said Wahyu.

Regarding the selection of 20 songs recorded at Abbey Road, Wahyu said that the songs described D'MASIV's journey from the first to the sixth album but in different packaging.

"Why did we finally make two versions. Actually these 20 songs were D'MASIV's hits from album 1 to 6. So, how do we want to give a different nuance, of course," said Wahyu.

Unfortunately, their guitarist Kiki did not participate in this historic recording session at Abbey Road due to visa problems. In a post before leaving for London, D'MASIV said, guitarist Dwikky Aditya Marsall's full name would follow to record there.

However, until the recording session was held, Kiki was not yet present in London. In his post, D'MASIV stated that the guitarist with kriwil hair would be recorded later.

"The visa was out and I followed to London. But, I didn't have time to record at Abbey Road. My guitar parts will be recorded there, but not at Abbey," said Kiki at the time.

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