JAKARTA - Yuni Shara remembers Bob Tutupoly as a singer whose memory is extraordinary. When the false news circulated that Bob Tutupolu died last May, Yuni swiftly visited the singer of the Widuri song.

On Instagram, Yuni pinned her last photo and video with Bob Tutupoli. Good spirit Uncle Bob..... who has an amazing memory, and still loves to sing. I once sang some of the songs of Oom Bob Tutupoli. And some of the awards I've ever received when singing the song "Why There's No Sorry" by Cpt. Oom Yessy Wenas late, Yuni wrote on 15 May.

This 83-year-old singer is not in prime condition anymore. Age made him weak and began to have difficulty speaking. However, in the video, it seems that his enthusiasm has never been extinguished.

Fate has called him home, Bob Tutupoly passed away Tuesday, July 5, early morning at 00:03 WIB. The news was conveyed by music observer Stanley Tulung via his Facebook account on Tuesday morning.

"RIP Oom Bob Tutupoly... Thank you for everything that Uncle Bob has given to us all.. May your path be broad to true immortality," wrote Stanley Tulung on his Instagram.

"The plan is that Bob Tutupoly's body will be buried at the Siloam Semanggi Hospital Funeral Home... More news will follow..." Stanley said again.

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