JAKARTA - Often you feel you have to complete a lot of work in a minimum of time and unconsciously do these activities quickly and in a hurry.

The condition in which a person always feels in a hurry to do something is called hurry sickness. Reporting from HighEnd, Tuesday, June 28, hurry sickness is a psychological condition when a person always feels in a hurry or can't wait to finish every thing or work he is doing. This condition generally arises because a person wants to make the most of the moment or time he has.

You seem impatient and don't want things to go slow. If it persists, hurry sickness can have a number of adverse effects that affect mental health. Here are some ways you can do to overcome hurry sickness, adapting Healthline.

Take a walk

Take a break from busyness and fill the void with a regular walk. Walking gets your body moving. These activities can help improve physical health, as well as relieve anxiety. Trust me, small things like this can have a big impact on your life.

As you walk, breathe in the air around you while trying to relax your body and mind. Do it for 30 minutes. Spending half an hour in an open space stretching your legs, breathing fresh air, and being exposed to the sun can give you new energy. And make the mood for the better.

Practice mindfulness

Either meditation or simply feeling each breath can bring you back to focusing on the things that are happening in the present. By practicing mindfulness, you are expected to be able to manage feelings of rush.

Prioritize relaxation

Sleep, hydration, good nutrition, and exercise are fundamental to self-care. Other key components, including relaxation, can improve quality of life and physical health. Taking time for yourself makes it easier for you to present the best version of yourself.

Balancing responsibilities with fun activities can make it easier for you to remember that life doesn't always have to be rushed.

Relaxation can be done in various ways. For example, sitting quietly alone, setting aside an hour for online shopping, reading a book, or chatting with friends.

Supports from close ones

When you feel confused and overwhelming with what you are doing, the support of the closest people such as family and relatives can be one panacea to make you feel much better.

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