JAKARTA - Marshanda has been reported missing for two days in Los Angeles. This news was shared by Sheila Salsabila through social media today, Monday, 27 June.

"An Indonesian citizen is missing in Los Angeles, California, USA. He is in a Manic Episode. Please help Mr. @jokowi, yesterday he mentioned the names of Mr and the president @joebiden," wrote Sheila Salsabila in her upload.

Not only through social media, Sheila also wrote comments on some of Marshanda's past posts.

"Which chaka? Caca is missing in the US," Sheila wrote in Marshanda's upload with Denny Sumargo.

"Which chaka?" he wrote again in another post.

Netizens who learned about the news sent prayers that the mother of one child would be found soon.

"It appeared on the notification that Marshanda was missing in LA. Think it's a hoax because there's a lot of hoax news now, but when I open social media, it's still a trending topic. Oh God, I hope you meet soon and you're fine," wrote one netizen.

"Is it true that if Marshanda is lost, God, I hope to find him soon," added another.

"Hopefully Ms. Marshanda will be found soon and in good health," said the netizen.

Sheila herself has not shared the latest news from Marshanda's search in Los Angeles. He kept writing hopes that his friend could be found as soon as possible.

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