JAKARTA - Not everyone can easily refuse requests or say 'no' to others. Especially if the person basically does have a sense of 'uncomfort'.

This discomfort arises when you don't want to get stuck in a problem or conflict with someone. In the end what happens you will always agree with others without thinking and even for something you don't like.

Here are some tips for rejecting someone without guilt, adapted from Very Well Mind, Wednesday, June 22.

Delaying Response

If you're not comfortable being assertive or dealing with pushy people, it's okay to say, "Let me think about it and get back to you." This gives you the opportunity to review the schedule and consider your answers.

This strategy also allows you to think about whether you want to say "yes" to other commitments. To make a decision, make a variety of possibilities and then determine a yes or no answer.

Offer Alternative

When you are faced with a situation where someone asks for help, for example when a coworker asks for help when you don't have time, then offer other alternatives.

Say something like "I have other things to do, how about I help out tomorrow." Or can offer other help if it is not too burdensome.

Be Honest

When faced with the reality of saying "no" to someone, you can take a stand by being honest. Be honest when you tell them and also explain why you can't do this.

"I can't help you right now because...". That way, they will sympathize and will respect the openness and honesty that you have conveyed.

Train Yourself

To say no to others, you have to start with yourself. Try talking to yourself in the mirror or practice composing sentences that you think are good rejections.

Research says that the more you strengthen your will, the easier it will be to say no. So practice strengthening your own will.

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