YOGYAKARTA – Nabila Ishma Nurhabibah, Emmeril Khan Mumtadz's lover, kneeled down and cried while mourning. The body of Eril, the son of Ridwan Kamil, will be delivered to his final resting place today, Monday, June 13, 2022. The coffin will rest at the Pakuan Building, Bandung City, West Java. Nabila Ishma's touching moment was recorded on the national television screen which was then re-uploaded to the @magelang_raya Instagram account.
In the short video, Nabila holds her chest trying to calm herself down. Before long he sat down on his knees and was comforted by several people beside him.

In the next moment, Nabila sat talking beside the coffin. As if telling stories and conveying a special message. By keeping his sadness and moving his head as if talking normally, but losing is certainly not easy. In letting go requires a process.

Nabila on her social media page Instagram @nabilaishma, she wrote "I will try to keep my promise to be happy and smile a lot here. I will continue your kindness in my real way. I will never stop praying for you from here. God willing, I am strong and sincere because there are so many who pray for you real."

A portrait with Eril, or Emmeril Khan Mumtadz, was shared when the body was found. The body was found at the Engehalde Dam on Wednesday, June 8 after a 14-day search. On Thursday afternoon, June 9, when the Swiss police confirmed the results of the procedure that the body found was the eldest son of the Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil.

Ridwan Kamil said that the body of his beloved son was intact and emitted the scent of eucalyptus leaves. Ridwan Kamil explained that the cold temperature of the Aare river made Eril's body still intact because it was half frozen. In addition, there are not many animals that live in the river.
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