YOGYAKARTA – Self-control is not easy, but it can be taught to children since they were two years old. When they start being taught how to socialize and meet people or visit public facilities, you can teach self-control.
Of course, it makes parents sweat a lot when the baby cries loudly in the shopping area. Parents also often sacrifice monthly money to persuade their children to be quiet with snacks. But in addition to how to give a 'reward', parents need to teach skills in managing emotions. The method? The following is reported by the Kids Health Organization page, Saturday, June 11.
1. Need to give the right exampleMuch literature says that children are good imitators. While parents are role models for their children. Therefore, parents should set an appropriate example in emotional control skills. Simply put, parents also need to control their emotions in front of their children.
2. Divert children's attention according to their ageWhen your kids are about to vent their emotions, whether by slamming toys, breaking things in the house, or shouting loudly, you can try to divert their attention appropriately. If the children are over 2 years old, give them a toy or other activity. Also pause to show the consequences of the angry outburst. Teach them that it's better to spend some time alone than throw tantrums.

Praise is appreciation. Praise is also a way of telling children what is appropriate or not to do. Pay close attention, you need to give compliments at the right time. Giving praise too often will also make appreciation meaningless and be remembered as a lesson.
4. Introduce the consequences of his actionsWhen children enter school or are between the ages of 6-9, they are better able to understand the idea of consequences for behaving well or badly. This needs to be discussed openly so that they know when to stop and to comply with the rules. Before responding to a situation, they need time to calm down. Give them pause and then talk about any consequences that will be experienced when doing things that are detrimental.
5. Invite a discussion about the root of the problemEvery action has a specific background. For older children, around the age of 10-12 years, they are well acquainted with thoughts and feelings. Therefore, they can be invited to analyze the root of a problem and trigger uncontrolled behavior. Before chatting, give them time to reflect or reflect on the situation that made them angry or respond to the situation with anger. Then, praise them for using self-control skills.
6. Parents need to be firmBe firm, not by scolding, hitting, yelling, or even silence the children. Being assertive means disciplining them by recognizing their rights as human beings. That means, try to have an honest conversation. Explain that uncontrolled actions can have long-term effects, harming not only himself but also those around him.
Those are the six ways to teach children to control themselves. Parents also need to work together in educating their children, both with teachers at school and with people at home.
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