JAKARTA - Dancing With The Stars contestant Carole Baskin reveals herself to be bisexual even though she never had a wife. He also admitted that he was born into the wrong body.

The Tiger King star admitted that he realized his sexuality in the 1980s when he entered the LGBTQ + community.

This 59-year-old woman also revealed that she believed she was born in the wrong body because she grew 'tomboyish', she had never been attracted to girl-oriented toys.

The big cat fan was exposed to her sexuality when engaged to a psychologist who focuses on the LGBTQ + community.

Launching the Daily Star, Wednesday, October 21, Carole said about his attraction to women as well as to men. Nor does he look at individuals based on their gender.

"I've always considered myself bisexual. Even though I've never had a wife, I can easily have a wife like a husband," said Carole.

"As far as I feel about us, I think we are all one and I don't see us as different genders or different skin colors or anything," he said.

He also believed that he might be born in the wrong body

Big Cat Rescue owner added: "I've always been man-oriented in the things I do ... I never had the instincts of being a mom or whatever, you know, I never played with dolls.

"So I always thought that there was something out there that I couldn't be aware of."

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