JAKARTA - Hotma Sitompul when he was still with Desiree Tarigan often shared tips for a harmonious marriage. Unfortunately, their marriage ran aground. The videos on Mamitoko's YouTube account also disappeared.

Recently, the video reappeared because it was re-uploaded by Hotman Paris Hutapea. In his upload, Hotma Sitompul is seen giving wise advice about marriage.

He advised a man not to leave his wife when he was having problems. Especially if a husband and wife already have children.

"Give me an example, don't leave it. Moreover, you already have children, until you die due to us apart. That's the promise," said Hotma.

Hotman seemed to insinuate someone where he thought the advice was more suitable for that person. "Wow, the advice in this video is very good and suitable to be listened to, especially for whom? Let's answer for whom?" Hotman wrote, quoted on Saturday, May 21.

The upload caught the attention of netizens in the comments column.

"For this person himself, the lump is similar to Taki Malik's father," wrote a netter.

"God hates people the most who likes to advise people but doesn't do it himself," wrote another netizen.

Previously, Desiree admitted that the ideal household shown with Hotma Sitompul basically had an image. "It's impossible for us to vilify our household. It's impossible for us to say something that is not good in our household," said Desiree on Melaney Ricardo's YouTube channel.

He tries to take a positive point of view, namely when doing imaging, he wants his household to be like that. "Actually, that image is hope. We hope that our household will run like that, that's what we show. We consider that a prayer," said Desiree.

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