JAKARTA - The superhero film adaptation of The Batman continues their filming process in Liverpool even though the city is currently undergoing a lockdown .

Although the lockdown that was imposed this time was much tighter than before after the COVID-19 cases increased again, several camera captures showed Robert Pattinson and other players in the vicinity of Liverpool.

“The latest ban in Liverpool will have no impact on filming in the city. The film crew is working together to ensure the COVID-19 protocol is carried out properly, ”said the film representative to the PA. News reported by The Independent on October 15.

To ensure the correct protocol is carried out, the crew and players of The Batman are seen wearing earphones to listen to the director's directions during filming.

On the other hand, all layers of business from bars, casinos, sports and restaurants are closed until the next announcement.

Previously, production of the film The Batman had to be stopped after its main star, Robert Pattinson, tested positive for COVID-19.

They had to wait two weeks for Pattinson to recover and be able to shoot. Moreover, this film has just started production after being suspended for six months due to a lockdown .

The Batman was directed by Matt Reeves and stars Robert Pattinson, Colin Farrell, Paul Dano, Zoe Kravitz, and Andy Serkis. The film is scheduled to air in 2021.

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