YOGYAKARTA – In certain conditions, positive sentences with the right perspective are needed. The goal is to stay motivated. But if you say positive sentences, but the situation is not right, or even spoken with a certain emphasis, it can turn out to be toxic, you know.

Positive sentences that are spoken in inappropriate situations are called toxic positivity. Experts say that toxic positivity can hinder a person's struggles. The psychological effect of hiding or denying feelings with positive sentences, was also quite bad. Like anxiety getting worse, to affect a person's physical health. Therefore, identify positive sentences that can turn out to be toxic, such as the following.

"Don't think about your problems, stay positive"

Problems need to be solved, not to be avoided and piled up to become a burden. When denying problems, one's life is not authentic. According to The Psychology Group, Monday, May 9, we can lose connection with ourselves when we're not authentic. A person may look tough when he covers his problems with cheerfulness. But in his mind still yearning for a solution to solve the problem.

kalimat toksik positif yang sering diucapkan
Illustration of frequently spoken positive toxic sentences (Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)

"If I can do it, you can do it"

Not infrequently problems that repeatedly have the same pattern. But everyone has limitations, abilities, and limitations in dealing with many things. Therefore, comparing the abilities of one person with another will not produce satisfactory results. This will only make a person feel more depressed and not find motivation from within himself.

"Try to think positively, later you will find the core of the problem"

Always think positive, sometimes give the wrong route. Everyone makes mistakes when dealing with problems. From this, one does not need to always think positively. To get to the heart of the problem, we need to admit where the path was wrong and how to get back in the direction we were headed.

“Everything happens for a reason”

Feeling suspicious at every step in life will certainly not feel comfortable. In fact, we don't need to always be insecure with people who do good to us. This means that not everything happens for a reason. Furthermore, connecting the past with the present to the future will actually make us tired and restless.

“Don't think negative”

Negative things can never be denied. Suffering, sadness, anger, hatred, and heartache are all part of life. So, accept negative thoughts without manipulating yourself with positive thoughts.

Those are the sentences that often obscure our self-awareness. If you recognize yourself as spreading positive poison, this is the time to stop hurting yourself and the people you care about most.

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