7 Healthy Snacks During Ramadan, Delicious To Eat After Tarawih
Illustration of a delicious snack to eat after tarawih (Unsplash/July Moreira)

YOGYAKARTA – After the tarawih prayer, the stomach needs to be filled again. In order not to risk gaining weight or making your belly distended, you can choose healthy snacks to fill your stomach.

Healthy food also helps maintain fitness during the month of Ramadan. To get all the health benefits, here are snacks that can be eaten after Tarawih prayers.

1. Kebabs

The first snack, a kebab stuffed with sliced meat, sauce, mustard, mayonnaise, lettuce, and onions. There are various kinds of kebabs that are widely sold in the archipelago, including stuffed with chicken, beef, or goat. This means you can choose the flavor that best fits your taste.

2. Samosas

Samosa is a snack from the Middle East and Central Asia. This triangular-shaped food is fried or baked with stuffed potatoes, minced meat, vegetables. Uniquely, the samosa filling is cooked with curry spices.

camilan yang enak dimakan setelah tarawih
Illustration of a delicious snack to eat after tarawih (Unsplash/Kabir Cheema)
3. Pickled Bogor

When you need freshness after worship, pickled Bogor can be the right dish. Foods made from pickled vegetables, fruit, bean sprouts, have a sweet, sour, and spicy sauce.

4. Martabak

Slightly different from kebabs and samosas, martabak is stuffed with scallions, minced meat, and eggs. What makes it delicious, martabak is fried in a hot pan so that the inside can be cooked perfectly.

5. Pempek

This original Palembang food, has a gravy that tastes sour and spicy. Well, adjust to the condition of your stomach, yes. Do not let the pleasure of pempek invite stomach acid to increase.

6. Edamame

Because it contains vegetable protein, edamame is a healthy snack recommendation and is suitable for consumption at night. You can boil it before enjoying this food. Can also be roasted so that the aroma of the nuts is stronger.

7. Popcorn

Popcorn contains fiber, so it can be consumed at night. Although it needs to be limited so that it's not too much, the fiber in it can help digestion.

The seven snacks above, are there any included in your snack today?

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