JAKARTA - The couple Nikita Willy and Indra Priawan welcomed the birth of their first child on April 7. Nikita gave birth at one of the best hospitals in the United States, Cedars-Sinai, Los Angeles.

Nikita Willy's mother, Yora Febrina, shared the news and announced that Nikita Willy's first son, Issa Xander Djokosoetono.

"Alhamdulillah Wasyukurillah. Welcome my beloved grandson ISSA XANDER DJOKOSOETONO born weighing 3.25 kg on Thursday 7 April at 23.49 LA time or Friday the 8th at 13.49 WIB," wrote the mother via Instagram.

It is known that Issa, who was inspired by Isa, means saved by God in Arabic. Jesus can also be taken from Prophet Isa AS who is one of the prophets in Islam.

Xander means a manly figure and this word is taken from the Greek language, while Djokosoetono is the name of Indra Priawan's extended family.

Nikita Willy has not announced directly. Instead, he uploaded a new photo with his nickname. "Hello Izz, the first day of your life was the best day for me," wrote Nikita Willy on Tuesday, April 12.

Previously, Nikita and Indra explained the reasons for giving birth in the United States. The reason is they want to get the best health facilities even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. "There are several things, but the first is because we want to get good health facilities for our child and Niki during childbirth. The second is because we know that the current Covid condition is out of control. "Yes, so we want when Nikita gives birth and the baby is born, they get the best care," said Indra Priawan.

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