JAKARTA - Eating rice is one of the habits that cannot be separated from the people of Indonesia. There is even an assumption that if you haven't eaten rice for a day, it's not complete. Rice can indeed give a long feeling of fullness, which makes many people choose rice as the main food.

Unfortunately, rice is a source of carbohydrates that contain high sugar and calories. For this reason, this food is not suitable for consumption on a diet, except for certain types of rice such as brown rice.

However, now there are many alternative food substitutes for rice that can provide a feeling of fullness for longer and are certainly low in calories.


Potatoes are one type of carbohydrate food that is safe for the body. The dense taste of these foods can make you feel full longer. In addition, the nutritional content in B6, B1, B3, and B5 is good for body health.

So that you don't get bored of eating potatoes as a substitute for rice, you can modify this food into a variety of delicious dishes. The nature of potatoes that are easy to process, makes this food popular as a delicious and low-calorie substitute for rice.


Eating bread is an option for those of you who don't like rice. Especially for westerners, who prefer bread over white rice as a source of carbohydrates.

For those of you who are on a diet, it is better to consume whole wheat bread as a heavy choice of food. The fiber present in oats can improve the digestive system and also control weight. So, by consuming whole wheat bread, you will get a source of carbohydrates and various benefits.


Maybe some people are not familiar with this one grain. The crunchy texture makes many people doubt the benefits of quinoa. What you need to know is that quinoa is also a good source of carbohydrates for the body.

You can turn quinoa into a delicious meal instead of regular rice. Most Indonesians who consume quinoa, will usually try to process it into fried rice. Just like ordinary rice, you can add fried rice seasoning as usual. For sure this will be a delicious dish and has a unique texture because it comes from quinoa.


Oats are a very healthy grain because they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Raw oats contain 70 percent carbohydrates. One cup of oats (81 grams) contains 54 grams of carbohydrates, including 8 grams of fiber. There are variants of oats that contain high fiber, namely beta-glucan oats.

Oats are also a good source of protein. Research shows that regular consumption of oats can reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels. Eating oats can also lower blood sugar levels, especially in people with type 2 diabetes. In addition, oats are very filling so they are suitable for dieting.


Banana is a popular fruit that is often processed into a variety of foods. One large banana (136 grams) contains about 31 grams of carbohydrates, either in the form of starch or sugar (20). Bananas are also high in potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and contain several plant-based compounds that are beneficial for the body.

Thanks to their high potassium content, bananas can help lower blood pressure and improve heart health. Green bananas that are still unripe have a higher starch content. These are then converted into natural sugars as the bananas ripen. So you will get more starch and less sugar if you eat bananas raw.

Half-ripe bananas also contain decent amounts of resistant starch and pectin. These two things help maintain digestive health and provide food for the good bacteria in the gut.

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