JAKARTA - Since their divorce, Alvin Faiz and Larissa Chou have often argued through social media. Towards the month of Ramadan, Larissa returned to vent and accused Alvin Faiz of never visiting his son. At that time Larissa uploaded a video showing Yusuf, her first son with Alvin.

Larissa also shared her feelings and worries to Yusuf when he grew up. "Can't sleep. Thinking that if Yusuf understands and finds out everything that happened, how bad will he be?" wrote Larissa.

The upload of the 25-year-old woman soon disappeared and replaced it with a satire for Alvin Faiz as a father. Larissa discussed the matter of living and also visiting time for her child.

Larissa even discussed Yusuf's medical condition, which he said needed special treatment, because he had a lung disease. Larissa asked Alvin to pay more attention and visit his son more often.

"Isn't it natural to be sad? If this child has not been seen by his father. He rarely sees him. I need his help so that this child does not feel alienated. problems that are constantly brought to the public domain, Larissa explained that she had tried to communicate with Alvin, but Alvin only read messages and discussed other things other than his request to meet his son.

In response to this, Alvin Faiz also spoke up and defended himself about what was alleged by Larissa. The son of the late Ustaz Arifin Ilham explained that his love for Yusuf would never change.

"Everything has changed, but unfortunately I don't love Yusuf, whatever people want to say, I don't care. Even those who have known me for a long time know how sorry I am with Yusuf. Sometimes I cry because I miss Yusuf," said Alvin Faiz on Instagram.

Even though he misses Yusuf, Alvin realizes that now his condition has changed. Alvin, who has re-married with Henny Rahman, has to take care of his own family.

In addition, Alvin also explained the reason why until now he had not visited his son. The reason is, he has a lot of activities, so he doesn't have time to go to Bandung, West Java, to meet his son.

"About visiting Yusuf, because of the circumstances and what I'm doing now, through family intermediaries, I've been trying to ask Yusuf to come and stay with me for a few days, God willing, and I'm still waiting for his response," explained Alvin.

Then, Alvin also included the contents of his wife's message with the nanny who worked with Larissa Chou. In the contents of the message, Henny can be seen sending some money to Yusuf's nanny and sending his greetings to Larissa.

"This is my wife's chat yesterday, we want to improve relations for the sake of the children. We closed the last meeting, no need to discuss it again. All of us have our own mistakes, it's better if we forgive each other, fix the relationship for the sake of the children we will. Hopefully we can, God willing, amen," he said.

Unfortunately, Alvin Faiz's rebuttal was again responded by Larissa Chou. Larissa didn't take it for granted when she saw Alvin outlining the proof of transfer and messages with her babysitter.

According to Larissa, she doesn't need materials from Alvin's hands. But all he needed was Alvin's presence and time to meet his son.

"The problem of children is just a long explanation with many reasons. Even though Yusuf is enough to just look at it. Sorry to be born and inner heart before fasting, it has nothing to do with why not see your child. And please take time for the child," replied Larissa.

Then, regarding the content of Henny's message with her babysitter, Larissa was furious because it had nothing to do with the purpose and content of the previous message that had been conveyed. After all, Larissa asked Alvin to come and meet her son.

"Yesterday, I only sent proof of the monthly money transfer to Yusuf and apologized physically and spiritually before fasting. It didn't connect. The point about visiting his son was not answered either. As before when I texted to fight for time for Yusuf, instead he was said to be less beautiful, not connected either," he stressed. .

Furthermore, Larissa Chou asked Alvin Faiz to be manly in responding to the problems and problems that occurred between them. He also challenged Alvin to immediately contact him directly instead of communicating and insinuating each other on social media.

"It's like a child replying to Story. Just call here. WA my nanny is online. I want to cry, I'm annoyed," he concluded.

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