Before reading, please note that this article does not teach readers to commit suicide attempts. Suicide is not the solution. If you have suicidal thoughts, do not hesitate to contact the nearest psychologist and psychiatrist. Visit the first aid page for people with suicidal thoughts click here.

JAKARTA - Aming revealed the difficulties in life during the pandemic. This actor and comedian always looks cheerful, but who would have thought that behind his cheerfulness, Aming harbored sorrow.

Evelyn Nada Anjani's ex-husband admitted that he had experienced a mental disorder. Even Aming had attempted suicide.

"I've been in the worst situation. I've almost killed myself but it failed. Because people like me who have mental problems, we often wonder, what are we doing here," said Aming quoted from YouTube Melaney Ricardo , Friday, April 1st.

Aming finds it difficult to talk about the problems he faces because he knows that everyone has their own problems. "But everyone has their own problems, I don't want to add to it, even though it's okay. But I feel that everyone has their own struggles," he explained.

Usually sociable and crowded, Aming feels that his space for movement has become narrow due to the pandemic. Moreover, the pandemic lasted a long time, so Aming felt he had reached the limit of incompetence.

"So I feel like I can manage this, but after a while... I also have my own limits. When I do things that everyone thinks are stupid, I try and fail, thank God. ... or not dead, vomiting huh," concluded Aming.

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