JAKARTA - Cleaning the house is an activity that not everyone likes. However, everyone likes the condition of a clean house. So, is there a best way to quickly clean the house?

Most people are not sure whether to clean the dust that sticks to the furniture or sweep first. There are also those who are confused about having to clean the kitchen before the bathroom or vice versa.

Adapting Nationwide, Friday, March 25, the following are tips for cleaning the house quickly and efficiently.

Decide what needs to be done first

Cleaning is much more efficient if you choose one task such as vacuuming, sweeping, or mopping and doing the same task in every room in the house.

For example, if you choose to sweep or vacuum, do these activities at one time in rooms that are suitable for sweeping or vacuuming, such as bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms. Because cleaning the bathroom only requires brushing the floor, do this activity last.

Collect all cleaning tools in one place

Whether it's a caddy, bucket, or tote bag, keep all your household cleaning tools in one place to make getting things done easier. You don't have to waste time looking for tools when you want to clean up.

Pay attention to the dustiest places

Before you start dusting make sure to turn off the fan. Watch for dust on top of furniture and under shelves, on picture frames, knick-knacks, and TV screens. For hard-to-reach areas such as curtains and top shelves, tie a microfiber cloth to the end of a mop or broom. Change the sheets in the bedroom before you vacuum.

Wipe mirrors and glass

Use one wet microfiber cloth and one dry cloth to clean all mirrors and glass surfaces.

Spray disinfectant liquid on the surface of the object

Clean hard surfaces, from tables, various appliances, cabinets, doorknobs, light switches, TV remotes, and telephones. Disinfect some of these surfaces, especially those that might spread germs. Make a non-toxic disinfectant solution by mixing a quarter to a half cup of apple cider vinegar or white vinegar with a cup of water.

Sweep then mop

Sweep the entire floor of the room then mop. Start mopping from the farthest corner of the room and move back toward the door. Rinse the mop each time you finish a 4-by-4-foot area.

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