JAKARTA - The scent of a fragrant body is believed to lift the mood. No wonder many people are willing to spend money to buy perfume at fantastic prices. Apparently, one of the keys to a long lasting perfume is to spray it at the right point. Launching the Times of India, Thursday, March 17, here are five right points to apply perfume on the body, which you may have never thought of before.


Perfume tends to stick to fibers, one of which is your hair. But the trick is to avoid spraying perfume directly on the hair because the alcohol content in perfume can dry out hair. Instead, spray perfume on the comb before use.

Inside of elbow

Wrist can also be sprayed with perfume but the inside of the elbow works better. Since this is a pulse point and tucked into the crook of the arm, the perfume can be more hidden. Rasika Bhide, a perfumer with a leading fragrance manufacturer says, “Coco Chanel once said that a woman should apply perfume in the area where she wants to be kissed. While true, the pulse point should be the guideline for using perfume. This is the location of the body where the blood vessels are closest to the skin. These spots radiate heat, which helps project the scent from your skin into the air around you.”

Behind the upper ear

Unlike behind the lobe which is famous as a perfume spray point, perfume must be applied behind the upper ear. This is because these areas are oilier than the lobes and the oil tends to hold the perfume better, helping it spread longer. Also, behind the ear there is a pulse point.

Makeup artist and stylist Abhijit Paul says, “Scents can create memories. If you spray perfume behind your ear, when you hug someone, that person immediately inhales your scent and forms a memory of you.”

Behind the knee

The next point is behind the knee. The fragrance accentuated by the warmth of the skin behind the knees will last all day keeping you fresh.


The navel is likened to a place for perfume to nest. The navel radiates a lot of heat so it's perfect for keeping the scent of perfume for longer.

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