JAKARTA – Hot cooking oil that spurts when cooking, if it hits the skin requires proper care. After drying and peeling, it still leaves a scar. Removing cooking oil burn scars can be done in various ways. In essence, it is necessary to remove dead skin and regenerate it with new skin tissue.
Burns from hot cooking oil are classified according to the type of wound. This type of burn is mild, making the outermost tissue of the skin or epidermis burn, feels sore, and the skin blisters. Types of second-degree burns, burns the epidermis and dermis tissue, the skin is red, blistered, and painful. While the type of severe burn, can injure bones to tendons.
Minor types of cooking oil burns can be treated with simple home treatments. It's just that you need to avoid applying it with toothpaste, compressing ice cubes, and egg whites. Well, to get rid of cooking oil burn scars, you can do the following ways.
1. Aloe vera
As reported by Healthline, Monday, March 14, cooking oil burns in the first degree will heal by itself within a week. Even if the wound is small and mild, it doesn't leave a scar. If they leave scars, they will fade over time.
To speed up the removal of cooking oil burn scars, you can apply natural ingredients on a regular basis. One of them with aloe vera gel.

2. Egg white
After the wound heals and peels, then you can rub the scar with egg white. Egg whites are high in amino acids which are useful for lightening cooking oil burns.
Egg white is a useful remedy for repairing damaged tissue and shrinking pores. Even egg whites also help remove dirt, excess oil, and prevent acne. To treat burn scars, apart from wearing an egg white mask, you need to keep your skin hydrated.
3. Honey
Honey has a moisturizing effect and stimulates tissue regeneration. This is what makes honey popular as a skincare ingredient. To get rid of burns due to cooking oil, you can mix honey as a routine treatment. For example, mixing with aloe vera gel paste.
4. Coconut oil
Coconut oil has various benefits, including fading acne scars, contains omega fatty acids, is rich in antioxidants, and vitamin E. To get rid of cooking oil burn scars, you can take advantage of the good content of coconut oil. The trick, pour two tablespoons of coconut oil mixed with three drops of lemon juice. Mix well and apply on the scars on your skin. This treatment can be done twice a day.
5. Lavender essential oil
According to a 2016 study published in the National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information, found that lavender oil has potential as a natural wound healing remedy. Lavender essential oil can be used as a natural remedy to repair damaged skin tissue.
However, you need to be careful when using essential oils. The reason is, sensitive skin with pure levels of essential oils. This means that you mix it with olive oil as a carrier oil to keep it safe to use as a burn remover for cooking oil.
In three drops of lavender essential oil, mix it with three tablespoons of olive oil. Then apply on burn scars, massage for 5 minutes. Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes. After that rinse with warm water, do this treatment three times a day.
That's how to get rid of cooking oil burn scars naturally. It should be noted that burn scars that can be removed by the above method are minor injuries. If the wound is heavy or wide, it is advisable to consult and be treated medically.
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