JAKARTA – Skin regeneration is a cycle that occurs continuously with the influence of cell renewal. The regeneration process, especially facial skin, is recognized by its freshness and radiance. It's easy, when there are acne scars, over time it will ease the effects of cell regeneration. Are you interested in knowing how to accelerate facial skin regeneration, including the natural way?
According to research published by Healthine, Monday, March 14, skin regeneration is the replacement of all damaged tissue with new tissue. This process includes further healing of the tissue, except for the scar tissue.
There are two ways to regenerate skin, first, called restoration, namely by uniting, reconstructing, and replacing damaged tissue. Second, processes that occur naturally in cells. According to licensed beautician Laura Chacon-Garbato, regeneration occurs when the epidermis undergoes renewal. This means that skin regeneration occurs constantly and naturally.
According to a 2010 study by Maranke I. Koster, the average renewal of epidermal tissue is 40-56 days. When you are young to adulthood, the process can run quickly according to the estimated average time. But with age, the process of skin regeneration slows down. Added Chacon-Garbato, for people aged over 50 the process can take up to 84 days.
![cara mempercepat regenerasi kulit wajah secara alami](/storage/publishers/144951/body_image_2022031411.jpg)
According to expert recommendations, how to accelerate skin regeneration naturally can be with the following steps. It's easy, by following the steps below, it means that it will help cell renewal, keep skin elastic, and keep it looking fresh and radiant.
Change lifestyleLifestyle has a big influence on health, even in accelerating skin regeneration. Jennifer Hurtikant, head of science at Prime Matter Labs, advises regular exercise, a nutrient-dense diet, staying hydrated, managing stress, and protecting skin from environmental factors. Such as minimizing exposure to UV rays, pollution, and dry weather.
Hurtikant separates between intrinsic and extrinsic aging. Intrinsic aging is an influence from within, such as aging and stress. While the extrinsic influence, the result of external factors such as living habits to the conditions in which you live.
Chacon-Garbato adds, eat lots of protein from nuts, seeds, legumes, fish, and poultry. Because protein is needed by cells to maintain and regenerate damaged or dead skin. Plus, eat foods that are high in antioxidants like blueberries, strawberries, apples, ginger, and turmeric.
Wear high-nutrition care productsCertain ingredients in facial skin care products help boost the natural cell replacement process, hydrate and get rid of dead skin cell buildup. These ingredients include niacinamide, vitamin C, vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), and hyaluronic acid.
Natural ingredients accelerate facial skin regenerationBesides the ingredients contained in skin care products, you can also use other natural ingredients. Such as papaya extract, jojoba oil, coconut oil, and orange extract. According to a 2018 study, these ingredients can help repair skin cells, heal wounds, have antioxidant and anti-aging effects.
Aloe vera, according to a 2020 study, can also complement your facial skin care. Because the content in this plant gel offers antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Those are facts about accelerating skin regeneration and natural ways to get fresh, glowing skin. Have you done the above recommendations as a daily habit?
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