JAKARTA - Dorce Gamalama had the impression that he wanted to be buried as a woman and had raised objections. This has also become the talk of Millendaru, who is known to change his appearance as a woman even though he is still a man. Finally, Dorce was buried as a man.

Milen also admitted that he wanted to be buried as a man because according to him he was not a hypocrite, still carrying out some male routines.

"If you die? (Buried as) you are a boy. And I will definitely take them all off, and I'm still praying as a man. I'm not a hypocrite," said Millendaru to Melaney Ricardo.

So far, he is not transgender because he has not changed his gender as a male.

"I've had the facial surgery, I've had this (breast) operation. And if it's below, I really don't want to. Wherever the content is, I never say I want to have a sex change, I don't want it at all. That's my commitment," said Millendaru.

Aurel Hermansyah's brother considers a lot when he wants to change gender, especially when he gets old. The breasts that he has now can be removed but are different from the gender.

"Because it's an option that I think I should consider long-term, not short-term at first glance I'm 'Oh I am a woman', but if you're old, what do you see in the mirror?," he said.

"If it's breasts, we can still take it off, it's still normal. There is only this (used). Just go to the gym again. I'm usually young but I have a long mind," said Millendaru.

Millendaru had thought about changing genders but in the end he accepted his current condition.

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