JAKARTA – Amino acids in protein are nutrients that the body needs in the metabolic process. Although the body can produce itself without the intake of foods containing protein, the types are still incomplete. That is, it is necessary to get additional protein, for example from animal and vegetable foods.

Plant food is food from plants or known as plant based. For protein sources from plant foods, you can combine various types. Here is a list of these foods.

1. Tofu, tempeh, and edamame

Soy products such as tofu and tempeh are high protein sources. Plus edamame can be a variation on your menu. In addition to protein, these three foods also contain calcium and iron which are alternatives to dairy products.

To enjoy it, it is best to boil it. Meanwhile, herbs can help conjure up a richer taste.

2. Beans

Once cooked, chickpeas contain about 7.25 grams of protein per serving. You can process beans into a variety of diet menus. Some people even turn chickpeas into hummus paste as a substitute for butter for sandwiches.

3. Almonds

As reported by Medical News Today, Friday, February 18, in one cup of almonds contains 16.5 grams of protein. These types of nuts also provide a good amount of vitamin E. This vitamin can maintain eye and skin health.

makanan nabati yang mengandung protein
Illustration of plant foods containing protein (Unsplash/Magalie De Preux)

4. Peanuts

Protein and healthy fats in one cup of peanuts are about 20.5 grams. This means that it contains more than soybeans, chickpeas, and almonds. Well, to enjoy it, there are many menus in the archipelago that use peanuts. Such as making chili sauce, wedang, or baked for a snack.

5. Chia seeds

Chia and flaxseeds are not only rich in protein, but also contain fiber and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Each tablespoon of chia seeds contains 2 grams of protein. You can add these seeds in puddings or smoothies.

6. Potato

Potatoes offer 8 grams of protein, potassium, and vitamin C in one serving. For a rich snack, you can add hummus. You can also process it into softened boiled potatoes or known as mashed potatoes.

7. Green leafy vegetables

Not only seeds and nuts, but there are also green vegetables that contain protein. These vegetables are marked with a darker green color, one of which is broccoli. 1 stalk of broccoli, contains about 4 grams of protein. To meet your daily protein needs, you can add several other types of vegetables and other protein sources above.

8. Lentils

The fiber in lentils can help keep your gut healthy. Plus it can be served in a variety of menus, including soups. In 1 cup of lentils, contains 18 grams of protein. Even better, lentils are antioxidants that maintain overall health.

9. Spirulina

This type of blue-green algae contains 8 grams of complete protein in 2 tablespoons. In addition to meeting 22 percent of the daily iron needs, spirulina also meets 95 percent of the body's copper needs. Plus, spirulina contains magnesium, riboflavin, manganese, potassium, and essential fatty acids. Spirulina according to several studies has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties.

Those are the ninth plant foods that contain high protein. You can enter the list above as a variation of the daily diet menu.

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