JAKARTA - The question mark regarding Dorce Gamalama's funeral procession has finally been answered. Previously it had circulated that the multitalented artist wanted to be buried as a woman.

His desire had also become public attention and opposition from several scholars. However, Fatimah as Dorce's adopted son confirmed his mother's funeral today.

"So Mama has handed over to us the children, if something like this (died), Mama handed it over to us. And we decided to (buried) according to the mother's birth," said Fatimah when met by VOI at RSPP Simprug, South Jakarta.

Next, Dorce will be prayed at the Al Hayyu mosque, Lubang Buaya and immediately buried in the Bambu Apus TPU.

"It will be prayed at Al Hayyu, the plan is to be buried in Bambu Apus. Hopefully it will be fast, the process will be smooth, this is still a process, please pray for mama," said Fatima.

Dorce Gamalama died today at the Simprug Hospital at 07.36 WIB and was confirmed to have been exposed to COVID-19. He has been hospitalized since February 8 with a condition that has dropped and was placed in the ICU.

Dorce was born on July 21, 1963 in Solok, West Sumatra. He is the fruit of love from the couple Dalifah, a rice trader of Minang blood and Achmad, an artist and soldier of Arab-Binjai blood. The artist who is familiarly called Bunda Dorce was born as a man whose full name is Dedi Yuliardi.

At the age of 3 months, Dedi was forced to be separated forever from his mother, Dalifah, because he died at the age of 40. It is not known what caused his mother's death. Feeling very devastated by the death of his wife, Achmad seemed difficult to accept the fact and chose to leave the house leaving Dedi without any news.

Dedi has started to feel himself trapped in a male body at the age of 7 years. At the age of a child, he did not dare to tell anyone about his anxiety and tended to be kept under wraps. It turned him into a sensitive and gentle figure like a woman.

At the age of 20, Dedi made a big decision in his life, namely to undergo a gender transition by means of surgery. He then chose the name Dorce Gamalama as a new identity as a woman.

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