JAKARTA - Dorce Gamalama is reported to have returned to the hospital due to his declining health condition. A gossip account on Instagram uploaded a video showing Dorce's last condition before being admitted to the hospital.

"This is the video before he went into a coma, please pray for his good. He is currently being treated at the hospital," wrote the gossip account @rumpi_gossip on Thursday, February 10.

The video shows Dorce lying down and wearing a gray hood. Dorce talked about the artists who visited him in the hospital.

"Artists who want to see me, want to visit me, don't force me to be visited. Thank you. And I also don't respect to be visited by anyone," said Dorce Gamalama.

Dorce insists that he has never forced anyone to visit him, but he will try to appreciate friends who want to visit.

"Anyway, I'm a guest, I will respect it, I will respect it, but if it can't be done then I'm asking for my shame," he continued.

It is not yet known why Dorce Gamalama has been hospitalized again. The condition of the coma that is currently circulating is also not confirmed by Dorce.

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