JAKARTA - Long gone from the celebrity world, now artist Aliando Syarief is here to bring bad news regarding himself being diagnosed with a mental disorder, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Launching VOI, Friday, January 28, Aliando explained that this condition forced him to take a break from activities in the entertainment world, including acting. As a result, for the past year, he has been doing therapy to get well soon.

Then, what is OCD? Adapting PsychCenter, OCD disease or obsessive compulsive disorder is a mental health disorder characterized by frequent thoughts, actions, and obsessions (compulsions). Obsessions create anxiety and repetitive compulsive behaviors can make things worse.

OCD can be detected by observing a person's compulsive behavior. The most common types of symptoms reported by the White Swan Foundation, are;

Hygiene: People are always afraid of being contaminated with germs and bacteria, they repeatedly wash their hands and clean the house.

Orderliness: Some people are obsessed with symmetry and order. To relieve anxiety, they will rearrange books, cutlery, or tidy up carpets, pillows, and beds repeatedly. The goal is not to get something perfect but to reduce obsessive thoughts.

Hoarding: People who find it impossible to throw anything away. They collect old newspapers, clothes, letters, and other objects for no apparent reason.

Counting: These people repeatedly count their belongings and other objects used in everyday life, such as the number of steps in the house, or the number of lights in the hallway. If they make a mistake, they come back and start counting again.

Security: Some people have irrational fears about security. They constantly check if the doors and windows are secure, if the stove is turned off, and so on.

This mental condition causes a lot of time to run out so you can't enjoy and live a productive life.

Although it is not clear what causes OCD, there are several factors that make OCD possible, such as;

Genetic factors: OCD can sometimes be passed down from parents.

Biological or neurological factors: Several studies have linked OCD to an imbalance in the hormone serotonin in the brain.

Life changes: Sometimes, major life changes such as a new job or the birth of a child put more responsibility on a person. This can trigger OCD.

Behavioral factors: People who are very organized, neat, thorough and like to be responsible from an early age, are sometimes at risk of developing OCD.

Personal experience: A person who has experienced severe trauma is likely to be affected by OCD. For example, contracting a severe rash by touching rat poison in the home, can cause an urge to wash your hands.

If someone you know is experiencing any of the behaviors described above, you can try talking to them and encouraging them to see a mental health professional for help.

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