JAKARTA – The ideal relationship is desired by every couple. But there are many factors to consider when imagining an ideal life as a couple.

According to the professor and author of Paradoxical Strategies in Psychotherapy, attention, respect, safety, and security even in a vulnerable position can be obtained when accompanied by a reliable partner. He will understand and take care of your health. He writes that a partner who has 'best friend status' will not make someone feel threatened.

And romantic relationships and best friends need to tame the ego, according to Leon F. Seltzer, Ph.D. reported by Psychology Today, Friday, January 21. According to him, here's what can be done to develop security, trust and respect.

1. Learn to accept yourself

Why do you need to learn to accept yourself unconditionally first, then you can offer politeness to your partner, because according to Seltzer, only then can you and your partner get what you need. Generosity can be contagious and increase the chances that you and your partner see each other as best friends.

2. Accept it openly

The difference in argument certainly cannot be denied, because a romantic relationship consists of two people who have their own perspectives. Agree or not, listen carefully and with an open heart. If you allow your partner to express their views, give it a chance. That way, both of them remain themselves and consider each other meaningful.

3. Replace criticism with a thoughtful and simple request

If you find some of your partner's behavior upsetting, let them know that even if they didn't do anything wrong, it's still inappropriate. So try to remain tactful by replacing criticism with requests to get used to not doing habits that irritate you.

4. Give partners as much autonomy as they need

A possessive partner can trigger negative behavior. Possessive is different from being protective, in that when it's protective, you still give your partner as much autonomy as they need but don't tie them in too tightly. Just give them space and agree on both.

5. Play and laugh together

Several things can strengthen the bond even more, namely to build an encouraging situation. For example, look for opportunities to laugh together or play to get a new atmosphere. This move also helps to rekindle the feelings of attraction that the two of you experienced during the early stages of your relationship and can be even sweeter.

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